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Federico Penelas (CONICET), "The epistemic legitimacy of convictions"

Monday, June 1st, 2015.

11:30 am.

Venue: Carlos Santamaria Zentroa, Room 4.


Throughout this lecture I will attend to one of the most difficult epistemological problems, i.e. the issue of the epistemic legitimacy of appealing to convictions. I will concentrate in convictions as a set of beliefs front to which we realize that we cannot offer greater support for them than saying "So I have been educated". The point will be to give an account of that kind of claims as a legitimate dialectical movement to impose at least an impasse in the discussion with an opponent; impasse not involving, of course, suspension of judgment. My approach to the problem will be provisional, and I will pay special attention to the defense of the idea that the most reasonable way to understand under what circumstances we use to admit the appealing to convictions is to think about them as constituted by, or related to, group beliefs of a particular type.

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