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Chris Genovesi (Concordia University):"Remarks on the Literal-Metaphorical Distinction"

November 24nd, 2023. 3:30 pm.

Venue: Carlos Santamaria Zentroa, room 4.


In this talk I explore two classes of theories of metaphor, i.e., deviance and non-deviance theories. The former argue that metaphorical uses of language are distinct from literal uses. These theories ground the distinction in the phenomenology of interpretation where a metaphor expression is perceived as 'deviant' from its standing, literal meaning (e.g., Achilles is a lion vs Cecil is a lion). The latter reject the distinction by claiming that deviance is the norm, not the exception. Recently, the Non-Conformity View (NCV), proposed by Allott and Textor (2022), attempts to preserve the idea of deviance without appealing to the phenomenology of interpretation. Although I am sympathetic to their conclusion (i.e., that the literal-metaphorical distinction ought to be preserved), I identify several shortcomings with their arguments. I claim that grounding the distinction requires appealing to something more than phenomenology and non-conformity to standing meaning. I speculate on what this ‘something more’ can be.

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