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from 2010 on

in English

  1. Maibom, Heidi. 2022. The Space Between: How Empathy Really Works. Oxford University Press.

  2. Corazza, Eros. 2021. The Pragmatics and Cognition of Naming. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

  3. Maibom, Heidi. 2020. Empathy. New Problems in Philosophy Series. London: Routledge.

  4. Garmendia, Joana. 2018. Irony. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781316136218.

  5. Korta, Kepa and John Perry. 2011. Critical Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511994869.

in Basque

  1. Zubeldia, Larraitz. 2015. "Omen" partikularen azterketa semantikoa eta pragmatikoa. Bilbo: UEU.

  2. Garmendia, Joana. 2012. Ironiaren azterketa pragmatiko kritikoa: zer eta nola komunikatzen du hiztun ironikoak. Bilbo: UEU.

Edition of books and special issues of journals 

in English

  1. Garmendia, Ekain and Chris Genovesi, eds. 2023. A Critical Eye on Critical Pragmatics: Issues at the Frontier of Semantics and Pragmatics. Special Issue of Topoi 42.

  2. Carston, Robyn and Kepa Korta, eds. 2017. Key Topics in Philosophy of Language and Mind. Special issue of Review of Philosophy and Psychology 8 (4).

  3. de Ponte, María and Kepa Korta, eds. 2017. Reference and Representation in Thought and Language. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oso/9780198714217.001.0001.

  4. Maibom, Heidi, ed. 2017. Handbook of Philosophy of Empathy. London: Routledge.

  5. Maibom, Heidi, ed. 2014. Empathy and Morality. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  6. Bluhm, Robyn, Heidi Maibom and Anne J. Jacobson, eds. 2012. Neurofeminism: Issues at the Intersection of Feminist Theory and Cognitive Science. Springer.

  7. de Ponte, María and Kepa Korta, eds. 2011. ILCLI International Workshop in Semantics, Pragmatics and Rhetoric, SPR-11. Proceedings. Bilbao: UPV/EHU.

  8. de Ponte, María and Xabier Arrazola, eds. 2010. LogKCA-10. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Logic and Philosophy of Knowledge, Communication and Action. Bilbao: UPV/EHU.

in Basque

  1. Acosta, Josu, Joana Garmendia, Kepa Korta and Larraitz Zubeldia, eds. 2024. Pello Huiziren Gogoako lan ia guztiak. Special issue of the journal Gogoa 24.

  2. Garmendia, Ekain, ed. 2021. Kripkeren Naming and Necessityk 40 (+1) urte. Special issue of the journal Gogoa 21.

  3. Korta, Kepa and Larraitz Zubeldia, eds. 2018. Jesus Mari Larrazabali, 70.ean esker onez. Special issue of the journal Gogoa 18.

  4. Korta, Kepa and Jesus Mari Larrazabal, eds. 2011. Gogoz, hitzez eta egitez. Pello Huiziri eskainitako lanak. Bilbao: UPV/EHU.

Journal articles

in English


  1. Garmendia Mujika, Ekain. 2024. "Bringing Transparency to the de se debates". Forthcoming in Philosophical Explorations. Online first.                                                                                                                                                               2023     

  2. Acosta, Josu. 2023. "The Itemic View on Culture." Open Insight, 14(32): 12-43.

  3. Bonalumi, Francesca, Freide B. Bumin, Thom Scott-Phillips & Christophe Heintz. 2023. "Communication & deniability: Moral and epistemic reactions to denials." Frontiers in Psychology 13: 1073213. doi:/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1073213

  4. Corazza, Eros. 2023. "The Name-Notion Network: On How to Conciliate Two Approaches to Naming and Reference-Fixing."In Chris Genovesi and Ekain Garmendia-Mujika (eds.) A Critical Eye on Critical Pragmatics: Issues at the Frontier of Semantics and Pragmatics. Topoi 42: 961–974. doi:/10.1007/s11245-023-09887-5

  5. de Ponte, María, Kepa Korta and John Perry. 2023. "Critical Pragmatics: Nine Misconceptions." In Chris Genovesi and Ekain Garmendia-Mujika (eds.) A Critical Eye on Critical Pragmatics: Issues at the Frontier of Semantics and Pragmatics. Topoi 42: 913–923. doi:/10.1007/s11245-023-09903-8

  6. Garmendia, Ekain and Chris Genovesi. 2023. "A Critical Eye on Critical Pragmatics." In Chris Genovesi and Ekain Garmendia-Mujika (eds.) A Critical Eye on Critical Pragmatics: Issues at the Frontier of Semantics and Pragmatics. Topoi 42: 907–911. doi:/10.1007/s11245-023-09929

  7. Garmendia, Joana. 2023. "Lies we don't say: Figurative language, commitment, and deniability". Journal of Pragmatics 218: 183-194.

  8. Heintz, Christophe & Thom Scott-Phillips. 2023. “Being ostensive (reply to commentaries on" Expression unleashed").” Behavioral & Brain Sciences 46.

  9. Hesse, Jacob, Chris Genovesi and Eros Corazza. 2023. "Metaphorical Uses of Proper Names and the Continuity Hypothesis." Journal of Semantics 00:1-30. doi:/10.1093/jos/ffad006

  10. Jacinto, Bruno & Javier Belastegui. 2023. "Quineanism, Noneism and Metaphysical Equivalence". Studia Logica.

  11. Maibom, Heidi. 2023. “How Should We Think about Co-Occurring Emotions?.” Passion: Journal of the European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions 1(2): 103-107.

  12. Scott-Phillips, Thom & Christophe Heintz. 2023. “Great ape interaction: Ladyginian but not Gricean.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120(42): e2300243120.

  13. Scott-Phillips, Thom & Christophe Heintz. 2023. "Animal communication in linguistic perspective." Annual Review of Linguistics, 9, 93-111. doi:/10.1146/annurev-linguistics-030421-061233                                                                                                                                                        2022     

  14. Acosta, Josu. 2022. “The subject matter of culture: constraints, attunement and information.” Filosofia Unisinos 23(3): 1-14. doi:/10.4013/fsu.2022.233.02

  15. Belastegui, Javier. 2022. "Natural Kind Semantics for a Classical Essentialist Theory of Kinds." The Review of Symbolic Logic 1-37. doi:/10.1017/S1755020322000351

  16. Belastegui, Javier. 2022. "A Qualitative Approach to Conceptual Spaces: Prototypes as Qualitative Atoms." Erkenntnis 89:319–354. doi:/10.1007/s10670-022-00535-9

  17. Corazza, Eros. 2022. “Some notes on cognitive dynamic inspired by V. Bozickovic’s the Indexical Point of View.” Manuscrito 45 (3): 45, 84-98. doi:/10.1590/0100-6045.2022.V45N3.EO

  18. Corazza, Eros. 2022. "Frege on identity and Co-reference." Organon F 29 (1): 26-46. doi:/10.31577/orgf.2022.29102

  19. de Ponte, María. 2022. "Demystifying the myth. Perry: Revisiting the essential indexical." Belgrade Philosophical Annual. Filozofski Godišnjak 35 (2): 107-127.  doi:/10.5937/BPA2202107P

  20. de Ponte, María. 2022. "Bozickovic's The Indexical Point of View. Some Comments". Manuscrito 45 (3): 105-131. doi:/10.1590/

  21. Granito, Carmen, Jamshid J. Tehrani, Rachel Kendal & Thom C. Scott-Phillips. 2022. "Does Group Contact Shape Styles of Pictorial Representation? A Case Study of Australian Rock Art." Human Nature 33: 237–260. doi:10.1007/s12110-022-09430-2.

  22. Korta, Kepa. 2022. “Comparatives in context. Vallée on relative gradable adjectives.” Disputatio XIV (66): 239-56doi:/10.2478/disp-2022-0012

  23. Maibom,  Heidi. 2022. "Don’t worry, be happy?" Synthese, 200:67. doi:/10.1007/s11229-022-03597-y

  24. Maibom,  Heidi. 2022. "The self-other distinction in empathy." Bollettino Filosofico 37: 117-128. doi:/10.6093/1593-7178/9654

  25. Scott‐Phillips, Thom & Daniel Nettle. 2022. "Cognition and Society: Prolegomenon to a Dialog." Cognitive Science 46 (6): e13162. doi:/10.1111/cogs.13162                                                                                                                                                                                                      2021    

  26. Corazza, Eros and Christopher Genovesi. 2021. “The ‘I’ in the Monad: Leibniz and the Essential Indexical.” JOLMA, The Journal for the Philosophy of Language, Mind and the Arts 2 (2): 335-352. doi:10.30687/Jolma/2723-9640/2021/02/004.

  27. Corazza, Eros and Christopher Genovesi. 2021. "On anaphors linked to names used metaphorically." Organon F  28 (1): 253–268. doi:0.31577/orgf.2021.28111.

  28. de Ponte, María, Kepa Korta and John Perry. 2021. “Four Puzzling Paragraphs. Frege on ‘≡’ and ‘=’.” Semiotica 240: 75-95. doi:/10.1515/sem-2021-0012                                                                                                                                                                                              2020     

  29. Corazza, Eros. 2020. “An alleged Millian tension.” Journal of Pragmatics 169: 26-9. doi:/10.1016/j.pragma.2020.07.009

  30. de Ponte, María, Kepa Korta and John Perry. 2020. "Truth without reference. The use of fictional names." Topoi 39: 389-399. doi:/10.1007/s11245-018-9544-6                                                                                                                                                                                          2019    

  31. Korta, Kepa and John Perry. 2019. “Our response to Devitt.” Journal of Pragmatics 139: 183–184. doi:/10.1016/j.pragma.2018.11.010.

  32. Korta, Kepa and John Perry. 2019. “Our alleged methodological flaw.” Journal of Pragmatics 139: 175–179. doi:/10.1016/j.pragma.2018.11.008.

  33. Maibom, Heidi. 2019. "Empathy and emotion regulation." Philosophical Topics 47 (2): 149-163. doi:/10.1016/bs.pbr.2019.03.024                        2018    

  34. Corazza, Eros. 2018. “Identity, doxastic co-indexation, and Frege’s puzzle.” Intercultural Pragmatics 15 (2): 271–290. doi:/10.1515/ip-2018-0007.

  35. Corazza, Eros. 2018. “Names, identity, and predication.” Philosophical Studies 175 (10): 2631–2647. doi:/10.1007/s11098-017-0975-5.  

  36. Maibom, Heidi. 2018. "What can philosophers learn from psychopathy?" European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 14: 63-78. doi:/10.31820/ejap.14.1.4                                                                                                                                                                                               2017    

  37. de Ponte, María. 2017. “Promises, the present and ‘now.’ Lessons from Austin, Prior and Kamp.” Journal of Pragmatics 112: 33–43. doi:/10.1016/j.pragma.2017.02.004

  38. Korta, Kepa and Robyn Carston. 2017. “Editorial: ‘Key topics in philosophy of language and mind.’” Review of Philosophy and Psychology  8 (4): 717–720. doi:/10.1007/s13164-017-0365-0.                                                                                                                                                               2016     

  39. de Ponte, María. 2016. “The ontological implications of neo-Fregeanism.” Daimon 69: 159–174. doi:/10.6018/daimon/221831

  40. Korta, Kepa. 2016. “The meaning of us.” Disputatio 5 (6): 335-361.                                                                 2015     

  41. Corazza, Eros and Kepa Korta. 2015. “Frege on subject matter and identity statements.” Analysis 75: 562-565. doi:/10.1093/analys/anv073.

  42. Garmendia, Joana. 2015. “A (neo)Gricean account of irony: an answer to Relevance Theory.” International Review of Pragmatics 7 (1): 40–79. doi:/10.1163/18773109-00701003.

  43. Korta, Kepa. 2015. “A simple theory of proper names.” Revista de Filosofía de La Universidad de Costa Rica 53 (136).

  44. Korta, Kepa and Larraitz Zubeldia. 2015. “The evidential and doxastic dimensions of the Basque particle bide.” Belgian Journal of Linguistics 29 (March): 41–60. doi:/10.1075/bjl.29.02kor.                                                                                                                                                  2014     

  45. Corazza, Eros. 2014. “Contexts, non-specificity, and minimalism.” Manuscrito 37 (1): 5–50. doi:/10.1590/S0100-60452014000100001.

  46. de Ponte, María and Kepa Korta. 2014. “Tenses, dates and times.” Research in Language 12 (4): 301–317. doi:/10.1515/rela-2015-0002.

  47. Garmendia, Ekain. 2014. “Externalism, rational explanations, identity premises.” Teorema 33 (31): 31–48.

  48. Garmendia, Joana. 2014. “The Clash: humor and critical attitude in verbal irony.” International Journal of Humor Studies 27 (4): 641-659. doi:/10.1515/humor-2014-0094.

  49. Korta, Kepa and Larraitz Zubeldia. 2014. “The contribution of evidentials to utterance content: evidence from the Basque reportative particle omen.” Language 90 (2): 389–423. doi:/10.1353/lan.2014.0024.                                                                                                                        2013     

  50. Corazza, Eros. 2013. “Fictional names, negative existentials, and fictional situations.” Conceptos 3 (5): 67–97.

  51. Corazza, Eros. 2013. “On the present and (dark) future of academia and humanities.” Higher Education of Social Sciences 5 (1): 16–20.

  52. Korta, Kepa and John Perry. 2013. “Highlights of critical pragmatics: reference and the contents of the utterance.” Intercultural Pragmatics 10 (1): 161–182. doi:/10.1515/ip-2013-0006.

  53. Zubeldia, Larraitz. 2013. “(Non-)Determining the original speaker: reportative particles versus reportative verbs.” Research in Language 11 (2): 103–130. doi:/10.2478/v10015-012-0014-8.                                                                                                                                                                  2012     

  54. Corazza, Eros. 2012. “Same-saying, pluri-propositionalism, and implicatures.” Mind & Language 27 (5): 546–569.

  55. Corazza, Eros and Jerome Dokic. 2012. “Situated minimalism versus free enrichment.” Synthese 184 (2): 179–198.

  56. de Ponte, María and Margarita Vázquez. 2012. “Tense and temporal reference. Hybrid temporal logic.” Logique & Analyse 220: 555–578.

  57. de Ponte, María. 2012. “Faults and mathematical disagreements.” Notae Philosophicae Scientiae Formalis 1: 45–54.                                           2011     

  58. Corazza, Eros. 2011. “Unenriched subsentential illocutions.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 83 (3): 560–582.

  59. Corazza, Eros. 2011. “Empty names, fictional characters, and existence.” Organon F, 121–140.

  60. Garmendia, Joana. 2011. “She’s (not) a fine friend: ‘saying’ and criticism in irony.” Intercultural Pragmatics 8 (1): 41–65.                                       2010     

  61. Corazza, Eros. 2010. “From Giorgione sentences to simple sentences.” Journal of Pragmatics 42 (2): 544–556.

  62. Garmendia, Joana. 2010. “Irony is critical.” Pragmatics & Cognition 18 (2): 397–421.

in Basque

  1. Acosta, Josu, Joana Garmendia, Kepa Korta and Larraitz Zubeldia. 2024. "Pello Huiziren Gogoako lan ia guztiak". Gogoa 24: 1-4.

  2. Korta, Kepa. 2023."Zuzendariaren oharra: Azken orenek dute GOGOA kolpatu". Gogoa 23: 3-10. doi:/10.1387/gogoa.24780

  3. Korta, Kepa. 2023."Behin batean. Peter Kivyren azkena baino gehiago". Gogoa 23:13-29. doi:/10.1387/gogoa.23252

  4. Esnaola, Beñat. 2023. "Errepresentazioen egibaldintzak: zerbaitez jardun eta zerbaiti buruzkoa izan." Gogoa 23:51-75. doi:/10.1387/gogoa.24614

  5. de Ponte, María. 2021. "Kripke, Perry eta 'ni'." Gogoa 21: 93-119. doi:/10.1387/gogoa.22600.

  6. Garmendia, Ekain. 2021. "Egiak, munduak eta minak." Gogoa  21: 3-31. doi:/10.1387/gogoa.22606.

  7. Zubia, Irati. 2020. “Egia-ostea ziurgabetasun garaian.“ Jakin 239: 75-95.

  8. Korta, Kepa and Maddi Mendibil. 2019. “Griceren adibide galdua. Esanahi naturalari buruzko probaren gabeziak.” Gogoa 19: 3553. doi:/ 10.1387/gogoa.21095.

  9. Garmendia, Joana. 2018. “Ironiaren teoria minimala.” Gogoa 18: 83–99. doi:/10.1387/gogoa.20360

  10. Korta, Kepa. 2018. “Politika, logika eta maitasuna.” Gogoa 18: 1–15. doi:/10.1387/gogoa.20356.

  11. Korta, Kepa. 2016. “Denbora kontuak. Geroari buruzko esaldiak eta iraganari buruzko ohar bat.” Gogoa 14 : 5–25. doi:/10.1387/gogoa.15624.

  12. Korta, Kepa and Larraitz Zubeldia. 2016. “Bide partikula: eduki doxastikoa eta ebidentziala.” Gogoa 15: 11-29. doi:/10.1387/gogoa.17255.

  13. Garmendia, Joana. 2014. “Ote: hiztunaren ziurtasunik eza.” Gogoa 12–13: 7–26.

  14. Zubeldia, Larraitz. 2011. “‘Omen’ partikula: ziurtasunak eta ziurtasunik ezak.” Gogoa 11 (1): 1–32.

in Spanish

  1. ​de Ponte, María and Kepa Korta. 2023. "Frege y sus circunstancias: Una interpretación de la teoría fregeana del significado." Análisis Filosófico, 43 (1): 5-40. doi:/10.36446/af.2023.471

Book chapters

in English


  1. Garmendia, Joana. 2024. "A Minimal Account of Irony." In Studying Verbal Irony and Sarcasm, edited by N. Banasik-Jemielniak, P. Kałowski and M. Zajączkowska, 39-55. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

  2. Korta, Kepa and John Perry. 2024. "Pragmatics." In The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2024 Edition), edited by Edward N. Zalta & Uri Nodelman, URL =                                                                                                              2023     

  3. de Ponte, María, Kepa Korta and John Perry. 2023. "Philosophy of Language and Action Theory." In The Cambridge Handbook of Language in Context. Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics, edited by J. Romero-Trillo, 95-115. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108989275.005

  4. de Ponte, María, Kepa Korta and John Perry. 2023. "Language and Luck." In Linguistic Luck: Safeguards and threats to linguistic communication, edited by Abrol Fairweather and Carlos Montemayor, 15-35. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:/10.1093/oso/9780192845450.003.0002

  5. Maibom, Heidi. 2023. “Shame and Trauma.” In The Moral Psychology of Shame, edited by Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 181-204.

  6. Nettle, D. & Thom Scott-Phillips. 2023. “Is a non-evolutionary psychology possible?.” In Evolutionary thinking across disciplines: problems and perspectives in generalized Darwinism. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 21-42.

  7. Garmendia, Joana. 2022. "Irony." In Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics, edited by Mark Aronoff. New York: Oxford University Press. (May 2022 Edition) doi:/10.1093/obo/9780199772810-0287

  8. Korta, Kepa and Larraitz Zubeldia. 2022. "Meaning and use of the Basque particle bide." In Discourse Particles. Syntactic, semantic, pragmatic and historical aspects, edited by Xabier Artiagoitia, Arantzazu Elordieta and Sergio Monforte, 209-227. Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 276. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:/10.1075/la.276.08kor

  9. Maibom, Heidi. 2022. "Moral Understanding and Empathy in Psychopaths." In Oxford Handbook of Moral Psychology, edited by Manuel Vargas and John Doris. 838-62. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198871712.013.41                                                     2021     

  10. Corazza, Eros. 2021. “Frege’s legacy in the philosophy of language and philosophy of mind.” In The Cambridge Handbook of the Philosophy of Language, edited by P. Stalmaszczyk, 124-38. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press.                                                               2020     

  11. de Ponte, María, Kepa Korta and John Perry. 2020. Utterance and context. In The Architecture of Context and Context-Sensitivity, edited by Tadeusz Ciecierski & Pawel Grabarczyk, 1529. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

  12. Maibom, Heidi. 2020. "Liberty and security in the nuclear age." In  Doom With a View, edited by K. Iversen & E.W. Perry, 274-90. Golden, CO: Fulcrum Publishers.                                                                                                                                                                                                      2019     

  13. Maibom, Heidi. 2019. "On the distinction between shame and guilt." In The Moral Psychology of Guilt , edited by B. Cokelet & C. Maley, 37-51. New York: Rowman and Littlefield.

  14. Maibom, Heidi. 2019. "What can we learn from taking another’s perspective?" In Empathy: Between Einfühlung and Attunement, edited by D. Matravers & A. Waldoff, 74-90. London: Routledge.

  15. Maibom, Heidi. 2019. "Empathy." In Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by T. Polger. London: Routledge. doi:/10.4324/9780415249126-L154-1.                                                                                                                                                                                  2018     

  16. Corazza, Eros. 2018. “Contexts, biases, and reflexivity.” In Language, Evolution and Mind: Essays in Honour of Anne Reboul, edited by P. Saint-Germeir, 87–107. London: College Publication.

  17. Corazza, Eros. 2018. “On the essentiality of thoughts (and reference).” In Expressing the Self: Cultural Diversity and Cognitive Universals, 1:254–265. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:/10.1093/oso/9780198786658.003.0012.

  18. Corazza, Eros. 2018. “The notion of quasi-indexicality.” In Deixis and Anaphora, edited by L. DeSaussure, 205–224. London: ISTE.

  19. Corazza, Eros and Christopher Genovesi. 2018. “On the metaphoric uses of (fictional) proper names.” In Objects of Inquiry in Philosophy of Language and Linguistics, edited by Piotr Stalmaszczyk, 41–58. Bern: Peter Lang.

  20. Maibom, Heidi. 2018. “Self-Simulation and empathy.” In Forms of Fellow Feeling: Empathy, Sympathy, Concern and Moral Agency, edited by T. Schramme & N. Roughley, 109-32. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.                                                                                          2017     

  21. Corazza, Eros. 2017. “Proper names: gender, context, sensitivity, and conversational implicature.” In Reference and Representation in Thought and Language, edited by M. de Ponte and K. Korta, 20–45. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oso/9780198714217.003.0003.

  22. de Ponte, María and Kepa Korta. 2017. “Introduction.” In Reference and Representation in Thought and Language, edited by M. de Ponte and K. Korta, 1–13. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:/10.1093/oso/9780198714217.003.0001.

  23. de Ponte, María and Kepa Korta. 2017. “New thoughts about old facts.” In Reference and Representation in Thought and Language., edited by M. de Ponte and K. Korta, 163–178. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:/10.1093/oso/9780198714217.003.0010.

  24. Korta, Kepa. 2017. “Talk about the future.” In Pragmatics at Its Interfaces, edited by Stavros Assimakopoulos. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. doi:/10.1515/9781501505089-004.

  25. Korta, Kepa. 2017. “The meanings and contents of aesthetic statements.” In Doing Pragmatics Interculturally, edited by Rachel Giora and Michael Haugh, 399–417. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. doi:/10.1515/9783110546095-022.

  26. Korta, Kepa and John Perry. 2017. “Full but not saturated: the myth of mandatory primary pragmatic processes.” In Meaning, Context and Methodology, edited by Sarah-Jane Conrad and Klaus Petrus, 31–49. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. doi:/10.1515/9781501504327-003.

  27. Maibom, Heidi. 2017. "Shame and necessity redux." In Here I Stand. Dimensions of Practical Necessity, edited by K. Bauer, S. Varga, and C. Mieth, 195-211. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

  28. Maibom, Heidi. 2017. "Introduction." In Handbook of Philosophy of Empathy, edited by H.L. Maibom, 1-9. London: Routledge.

  29. Maibom, Heidi. 2017. "Affective empathy." In Handbook of Philosophy of Empathy, edited by H.L. Maibom, 22-32. London: Routledge.

  30. Maibom, Heidi. 2017. "Psychopathy: Morally incapacitated persons." In Handbook of Concepts in the Philosophy of Medicine, edited by T. Schramme & S. Edwards, 1109-29. New York: Springer.                                                                                                                                               2016     

  31. Corazza, Eros. 2016. “She and herself.” In The Pragmatics of Indirect Reports. Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology 5, edited by A. Capone, F. Kiefer, and F. Lo Piparo, 507–519. New York: Springer. doi:/10.1007/978-3-319-21395-8_23.

  32. Corazza, Eros, Dylan Hurry and Ryan Rafferty. 2016. “On naming: Frege deconstructed vs. Perry reconstructed.” In Studies in the Philosophy of Language and Linguistics Vol. 1. Philosophical Approaches to Proper Names, edited by P. Stalmaszczyk and L. Fernández Moreno, 107–132. Bern: Peter Lang. doi:/10.3726/978-3-653-05430-9.

  33. Zubeldia, Larraitz. 2016. "Indirect evidence or uncertain belief: the semantics and pragmatics of the Basque particle 'bide.'" In 7th International Conference Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication. INPRA 2016, edited by Jagoda Granic & Istvan Kecskes, 187. Split: University of Split.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2014     

  34. de Ponte, María and Kepa Korta. 2014. “On times and contents.” In Cognitive and Pragmatic Perspectives on Speech Actions, edited by I. Witczak-Plisiecka, 13–34. Bern: Peter Lang D. doi:/10.3726/978-3-653-03213-0.

  35. Garmendia, Joana. 2014. “A pragmatic analysis of the Basque particle ‘ote.’” In Cognitive and Pragmatic Aspects of Speech Actions, edited by I. Witczak-Plisiecka, 97–116. Bern: Peter Lang D. doi:/10.3726/978-3-653-03213-0.

  36. Zubeldia, Larraitz. 2014. “Particles versus verbs as reporting devices: their truth-conditional contributions.” In Cognitive and Pragmatic Aspects of Speech Actions, edited by I. Witczak-Plisiecka, 33:117–146. Bern: Peter Lang D. doi:/10.3726/978-3-653-03213-0.                               2013     

  37. Corazza, Eros. 2013. “Empathy as a psychological guide to the de se/de re distinction.” In Attitudes De Se: Linguistics, Epistemology, Metaphysic, 211–234. Palo Alto: CSLI Publications.

  38. Corazza, Eros. 2013. “Some notes on points of view.” In When Pragmatics Meets Philosophy, edited by A. Capone, F. Lo Piparo, and M. Carapezza, 243–261. New York: Springer Publications.

  39. Corazza, Eros and Jerome Dokic. 2013. “On situationalism: situations with an attitude.” In What Is Said and What Is Not: The Semantics/Pragmatics Interface, edited by C. Penco and F. Domenaschi, 265–284. Stanford: CSLI Publications.

  40. Garmendia, Joana. 2013. “Ironically saying and implicating.” In What Is Said and What Is Not: The Semantics/Pragmatics Interface, edited by C. Penco and F. Domaneschi, 225–241. Stanford: CSLI Publications.

  41. Garmendia, Joana. 2013. “Irony: making as if we pretend to echo.” In Research Trends in Intercultural Pragmatics, edited by Istvan Kecskes and Jesus Romero-Trillo, 85–104. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

  42. Korta, Kepa. 2013. “Grice’s requirements on what is said.” In What Is Said and What Is Not: The Semantics/Pragmatics Interface, edited by C. Penco and F. Domaneschi, 209–224. Stanford: CSLI Publications.

  43. Korta, Kepa and John Perry. 2013. “Squaring the circle.” In Perspectives in Pragmatics and Philosophy, edited by A. Capone, F. Lo Piparo, and M. Carapezza, 291–302. Springer. doi:/10.1007/978-3-319-01011-3_13.                                                                                                                   2012     

  44. de Ponte, María. 2012. “Faults, axioms and disagreements.” In Disaccordo, edited by C. Amoreti and M. Vignolo, 87–100. Milano-Udine: Mimesis Edizioni.

  45. Garmendia, Ekain. 2012. “Boghossian’s argument from inference and identity belief ascriptions.” In Proceedings of the VII Conference of the Spanish Society for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, edited by Concepción Martínez Vidal, José Luis Falguera, José Miguel Sagüillo Fernández Vega, Víctor M. Verdejo, and Martín Pereira-Fariña, 198–205. Compostela: USC.

  46. Garmendia, Joana. 2012. “A critical pragmatic approach to irony.” In II Congreso Latinoamericano de Filosofía Analítica, edited by E. Orlando and D. Pérez, 110–114. Buenos Aires: Sadaf.

  47. Korta, Kepa. 2012. “Holmes, Perry and reference.” In Identity. Language, & Mind. An Introduction to the Philosophy of John Perry, edited by A. Newen and R. van Riel, 33–52. Stanford: CSLI Publications.                                                                                                                                   2011     

  48. Corazza, Eros. 2011. “Indexicals and demonstratives.” In Philosophical Perspectives for Pragmatics. Handbook of Pragmatics, edited by M. Sbisà, J.-O. Östman, and J. Verschueren, 131–152. London: Benjamin.

  49. Korta, Kepa and John Perry. 2011. “Pragmatics.” In The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Edward N. Zalta (Spring 2020 Edition), URL = <>.

  50. Zubeldia, Larraitz. 2011. “The Basque reportative particle 'omen:' contributing to the propositional contents of the utterance.” In ILCLI International Workshop on Semantics, Pragmatics and Rhetoric, edited by Kepa Korta and María de Ponte, 247–250. Leioa: UPV/EHU.             2010     

  51. Corazza, Eros and Kepa Korta. 2010. “Minimalism, contextualism, and contentualism.” In Studies in the Philosophy of Language and Linguistics. Vol. 2, edited by P. Stalmaszczyk, 9–39. Frankfurt-Heusenstamm: Onto-Verlag.

  52. de Ponte, María. 2010. “Disagreements: faults and perspectives.” In Advances in Cognitive Science: Learning, Evolution, and Social Action, 395–415. Bilbao: UPV/EHU.

  53. Garmendia, Joana. 2010. “Critical pragmatics: errors, lies and ironies.” In 2. CEUR-WS.Org, edited by C. Penco and F. Domaneschi, 14–20.

  54. Korta, Kepa and John Perry. 2010. “Intentions to refer.” In Meaning and Context, edited by L. Baptista and E. Rast, 161–186. Bern: Peter Lang.

  55. Korta, Kepa and John Perry. 2010. “What is said.” In Context-Dependence, Perspective and Relativity, edited by F. Recanati, I. Stojanovic, and N. Villanueva, 51–67. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter.

  56. Korta, Kepa and Larraitz Zubeldia. 2010. “Semantics and pragmatics of the Basque reportative particle omen.” In 43th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, edited by B. Cornillie, V. Kardelis, and A. Usoniene, 109–110. Vilnius: Vilnius University.

in Basque

  1. Garmendia, Joana. 2011. “Oihartzuna eta antzezpena ironian.” In Gogoz, hitzez eta egitez. Pello Huiziri eskainitako lanak, edited by
    Kepa Korta and Jesus Mari Larrazabal, 171–191. Bilbo: EHU.

  2. Korta, Kepa. 2011. “Gu ta gutarrak.” In Gogoz, hitzez eta egitez. Pello Huiziri eskainitako lanak, edited by Kepa Korta and Jesus Mari Larrazabal, 319–340. Bilbao: UPV/EHU.

in Spanish

  1. de Ponte, María. 2022. "Lenguaje, Tiempo y Realidad". In Tiempo y Perspectiva, edited by Manuel Liz and Margarita Vázquez, 15-39. Barcelona: Laertes.

  2. Korta, Kepa. 2020. La pragmática. In Pragmática, edited by M. Victoria Escandell-Vidal, J. Amenós Pons  &  Aoife Kathleen Ahern, 538. Madrid: Akal.

  3. Korta, Kepa. 2015. “Mañana lloverá (o no). Aserciones, predicciones y verdad.” In Significados en Contexto y Verdad Relativa. Ensayos Sobre Semántica y Pragmática, edited by E. Orlando, 243–264. Buenos Aires: Títulos.

  4. de Ponte, María. 2013. “Michael Dummett. Realismo, significado y verdad.” In Perspectivas de la Filosofía del Lenguaje, edited by David Pérez Chico and Juan Vicente Mayoral, 355–392. Zaragoza: Univ. de Zaragoza ed. (Selección de textos en Humanidades).

  5. de Ponte, María. 2012. “Faltas, desacuerdos y gusto.” In Puntos de Vista, edited by M. Liz, 191–207. Barcelona: Laertes.

  6. de Ponte, María. 2010. “Realismo y entidades abstractas.” In Realidad Sin Velos, edited by M. Liz, 209–229. Barcelona: Laertes


in English

  1. Maibom, Heidi. 2023. “The Philosophy of Envy.” Philosophical Review 132 (1): 155-158.

  2. Scott-Phillips, Thom. 2023. "Writing for the reader." Review of Scientific papers made easy, by West & Turnbull. Science 380 (6644): 464.

  3. García-Lorenzo, Yolanda. 2022. "Joana Garmendia, Irony." Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana De Filosofía, 54 (160): 83-92.

  4. de Ponte, María. 2020. New work on speech acts. Daniel Fogal, Daniel W. Harris and Matt Moss (eds.). Journal of Pragmatics 155: 343-345. doi: 10.1016/j.pragma.2019.08.006.

  5. Maibom, Heidi. 2019. "Colin Marshall: Compassionate moral realism." Mind 129: 631-38.

  6. Corazza, Eros. 2018. “K. Jaszczolt. 2016. Meaning in linguistic interaction: semantics, metasemantics, philosophy of language. Oxford: Oxford University Press.” Journal of Pragmatics 124: 121–124.

  7. de Ponte, María. 2018. “Savas L. Tsohatzidis (Ed.), Interpreting J.L. Austin: Critical essays.” Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.

  8. Maibom, Heidi. 2018. "A stab in the dark: Acting without knowing. Comment on John M. Doris: Talking to Ourselves." Behavioral and Brains Sciences 41. doi: 10.1017/S0140525X17000747.

  9. Korta, Kepa. 2017. “Ilse Depraetere and Raphael Salkie (Eds.): Semantics and pragmatics: drawing a line.” Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 28–10.

  10. Maibom, Heidi. 2017. "Empathy is not a thermometer. Comment on Michael Slote (w. Kyle Furlane)." Philosophia 45: 861-66.

  11. Corazza, Eros. 2016. I. Dickie 2015. Fixing Reference. Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.

  12. de Ponte, María. 2014. “Critical pragmatics. An inquiry into reference and communication. Kepa Korta and John Perry.” Journal of Pragmatics 60: 103–105.

  13. de Ponte, María. 2012. “Workshop on semantics, pragmatics and rhetoric, 9-11, November.” The Reasoner 6 (1).

  14. Zubeldia, Larraitz. 2012. "Experimental pragmatics-semantics, J. Meibauer & M. Steinbach (Eds.), 2011." Journal of Pragmatics 44: 2100–2103.

in Basque

  1. García-Lorenzo, Yolanda. 2023. "Joana Garmendia: Irony". Gogoa

  2. Díaz, Zvonko. 2019. "Group Duties. Their Existence and their implications for individuals (by Stephanie Collins)." Gogoa 20: 67-72. doi: 10.1387/gogoa.21324.

  3. Esnaola, Beñat. 2019. “How Physics Makes Us Free (by Jenann Ismael).” Gogoa 20: 4146. doi: 10.1387/gogoa.21216.

  4. Garmendia, Ekain. 2019. "Simon Kirchin: Thick Evaluation." Gogoa 20: 4766. doi: 10.1387/gogoa.21242.

  5. Korta, Kepa. 2016. “Peter Kivy: de gustibus. Arguing about taste and why we do it.” Gogoa 15: 4366. doi: 10.1387/gogoa.17257.

  6. Garmendia, Joana. 2010. “John Searle’s Philosophy of Language (by Tsohatzidis, Ed.).” Gogoa 10 (1&2): 133–137.

  7. Zubeldia, Larraitz. 2010. "Experimental pragmatics, I. Noveck & D. Sperber (Eds.), 2004." Gogoa 10 (1&2): 123-132.


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