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Bertha Bermúdez (Amsterdam U.), "What is involved in the process of naming movement?"

Monday, March 27th, 2017.

3:30 pm.

Venue: Carlos Santamaria Zentroa, Exhibition Room.


This seminar aims to provide a practical experience of what the creative process of dance entails. Departing from cognitive developments in linguistics and dance creative practices, the seminar will have two parts. The first one will be based on the transformation of dance actions into words and notation. The second part will contextualize the experiences of the first part with theoretical background.

First Part: Action, Transmission and Notation (1h) With a workshop format, this proposal is an approach to the experience of a creative process of dance, starting from the process of oral transmission. The first part will consist of a presentation of various concepts of the process of creating dance and the role of oral transmission. To this first part, a practical session will follow. The participants will then be introduced to the creation of movements, their transmission and notation. The last part of this session will be a joint discussion to exchange opinions, experiences and ideas.

Second Part: Naming Movement (1h) Exposition based on the article What is involved in the process of naming movement?(Bermúdez, 2016).

Reference: Bermúdez, Bertha (2016). What is involved in the process of naming movement? An Insight into a Research Project on Pre-choreogrpahic Elements Based on the Work of Emio Greco and Pieter C. Scholten. In Fernandes, C. (ed.), Multimodality and Performance, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 132-143.

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