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Iñigo Valero (ILCLI): "Is Sex Binary? A False Dilemma and Sex Pluralism"

March 1, 2023. 3:30 pm.

Venue: Carlos Santamaria Zentroa, room 2


Current debates on the nature of human biological sex often revolve around the question “is sex binary?”. In this paper I argue that framing the debate in these terms is problematic in two ways. First, this either-or-question introduces a false dilemma that unduly restricts the scope of relevant possibilities. I argue, thus, that neither the positive nor the negative answer to this question is satisfactory and that a more nuanced characterization is required. Second, I argue that this framework presupposes sex monism, that is, the view according to which there is only one appropriate or valid concept of sex. By drawing an analogy with the species concept, I suggest, on the contrary, that sex pluralism is a preferable and more fruitful conceptual framework to work with.

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